Thursday, Oct. 07, 2004

Whoppers, and it's just not Burger King, posted at 8:03 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

It's pretty unbelievable to me that Dick Cheney is getting away with the whoppers he told during the VP debate. I'll never figure out why the media treats this administration with such kid gloves. Or has to make stuff up when there's so much there to report on.

It was an interesting debate, although I wasn't on the edge of my seat like I thought I would be. I was glad I was lifting weights the whole time, though. It's enough to get a bit angry. And I mean at both sides. Edwards for missed opportunities and for sounding like he's on the stump instead of having a conversation, and Cheney because of his lies.

Cheney's an interesting debator. He's someone who elicitis so much respect and confidence - he has this grandfatherly way about him, and honestly I would feel very good about our country while listening to him speak if he told the truth - and only if someone is willing to do a little bit of research does one realize just what a liar he is. You only have to look about an inch deep, through his calm reasonable facade, to do that, but that effort is still too much for some.

I know that all politicians tell the truth, but it's rare to see such bald-faced lies as Cheney's. It's almost as if this administration, and Cheny in particular, has invented a new rhetorical strategy where continued insistence that what you say is true will make it true. That being said, I thought it was pretty evenly matched. Edwards came off as a bit whiny, and his style of rhetoric was much better suited to speeches than a conversational debate. It looks like he'll be running in 2008 if Kerry loses and 2012 if Kerry wins, and, right now, my money's on Hillary to get the nomination over him. He just doesn't inspire much confidence at all. Maybe he'll appear stronger with some gray hair and less stories about his youth. I don't know if I'll soon get past the fact that he basically ran for President because he couldn't win the Senate.

Cheney's telling of Edwards' Senate record came off as very persuasive, and he came out looking better than Edwards did on the issue of gay marriage. Edwards obviously feels uncomfortable with the issue - maybe because his position is so wishy-washy, so blatantly I-want-it-both-ways - and Cheney's simple response of, "I want to thank Mr. Edwards for the kind words he said about my family" came off as dignified and classy.

Tomorrow night, I plan on making my weekly appointment with the barstools at the sushi stand in the Cross Street Market, where I'll get some warm Clipper City and debrief on the week. (Anyone care to join?) Afterwards, I might head over to Thirsty Dog for some blueberry ale, then I'll be looking for a place in that Federal Hill area to watch the debate. Anyone know of a bar showing it? And I mean other than Ropewalk, which may be too right wing for viewing the debate. I heard it gets ugly, and have been recommended not to go there. I mean, the place dumped all their Heinz ketchup in favor of "W" ketchup. Seriously. I actually thought that was pretty funny, though.