Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2004

Getting excited, posted at 8:37 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Today, I caught up with Jerel, a kid I liked a lot last year. As a 9th grader, he immediately made his mark with his huge grin, which stood out like chalk on his very dark skin (kids on the team called him "Darkness," which apparently is a nickname from the film Friday... it was all in good fun). Jerel is a real good humored kid. He had told me he was going to try out for baseball, and asked me how he could stand out if 48 other players were also trying out. Another kid told him, "Don't worry, look at your forehead. How could he miss that?" That's the sort of kid he was; someone who could easily take a joke like that.

Anyhow, he made the team, and was a good little player for a 9th grader. He didn't play much, but took advantage of the opportunities he had, and always was earnest and hard-working. He's also sort of shy and soft-spoken, which I always find endearing.

I haven't seen him much this year except in passing, but I was extremely proud of him for winning a baseball scholarship that I made him apply for. Cal NekpiR (spell it backward) did this scholarship for his baseball camp ($5,000) for kids in the city, and out of the five he gave out, three are kids I coach. He was won of them. So I've talked with him a little this summer, but this afternoon was the first time I had a real conversation.

Anyhow, first of all, wow... he's not a little lefthander anymore. He must have shot up six inches this summer. It's funny to see that transition from the 9th to the 10th grade; it's often huge. Then, I ask him when he's going to the baseball camp. Apparently it's scheduled for next summer. I ask him, "So I'm not going to see any results on the team yet this year?"

He replies, with a cockiness that I love to hear, "Oh, Coach E., you're gonna see something. Don't you worry."

I love it. Apparently he played all summer and did well. That, and the extra six inches in height should make him quite a player. He doesn't yet know that I sort of plan on converting him to the outfield. I've only got one returning outfielder and definitely need a couple, and first base appears set with Josh "Long Toes" McGee.

Yup, I'm excited about coaching right now. Very excited.


My other student story today occurred in 5th period, with my slightly obnoxious junior class.

I'm at the board, writing something down, when a girl blurts out, "Mr. E., you know you're going to be bald when you get older?"

I pause. Then I say, "Victoria, thanks so much for pointing that out." It was a moment when I forgot that sarcasm was the humor of the weak.

She says, "Oh, I was just telling you. Thought you should know."

Thanks Victoria. Tell me something I don't know. It doesn't help that we had just read a passage from Hard Times in which the narrator describes this dry, dictatorial teacher with a big shiny knobby bald head, either.

Blow to the ego. I wonder sometimes if I should do the Rogaine thing. I have been thinking about it ever since Langoki said I should a few months ago. She probably doesn't remember. I do. As if my weight did not present enough body image issues...

Speaking of which, I had a moment of humility today when I went to Valu Village and bought three pairs of 34w pants. I'd been wearing 32w when I was at 190, but all of my 32w have been sitting in a big pile in the basement in the last year and I've been exchanging basically three pairs of pants so far this year - the only three that really fit me. It sucks, bad. I need to get back down there. I've been working out a lot lately, but my cardio fitness level just sucks right now. I did run two miles this evening, but, I hate to say it, but it was hard. I definitely am getting stronger from the weightlifting than I was a few months ago, but I can't seem to get leaner. And I have absolutely no desire to get big(ger than I am). I'm currently at 212. Twenty-two pounds and I'll be back to my driver's license weight. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard, but the weight's been static for almost a year.

One month from tomorrow I will have gone one year since my first eye surgery. It would be great to be back to my fitness level by that point, because it's that that really derailed me.

(By the way, I've changed names of students. So don't get worried that I'm using kids' last names. Would never do that.)

I'm very excited about the debate. Both Cheney and Edwards are excellent debators, if I say so myself, with very divergent styles. Should be very interesting.