Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004

Like a bee, posted at 4:36 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I don't remember working this hard in a long time. I don't feel overwhelmed, yet, but I'm just above water, just barely keeping ahead of the work on my desk and the billion projects circulating in my head.
Two preps, six classes, 170 students, 1.5 new curriculums, writing grants, meetings, etc. So much right now.
I've done all this in the last two days:
1. Ran three miles, both days, and worked out hard.
2. Worked at the restaurant both nights. One night, I made $33 for the whole night. Last night, I walked with $150. Every now and then, we have a good one.
3. Wrote a grant for $500 for a class set of tapes and tape recorders.
4. Called the alumni group of my school to try to get funding for a JV Baseball team this year, since I have three kids ask every week and don't want to cut 18 kids again this year.
I'm well underway with Lord of the Flies with my 11th graders, and wrapping up A Lesson Before Dying and moving on to Go Tell It On A Mountain with the 9th graders. I'm barely ahead of the game right now. Too much grading, not enough time.
I'm excited about the Happy Hour tomorrow, and I'm holding out hope that maybe Holy Frijoles has a TV so I can try one of these debate drinking games I keep reading about.