Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004

Powwow with Polish girl, posted at 2:24 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Bill came home today at about 5pm, ready to hang out with me for the first time in a while. But, he could tell something was up when he walked in the door. "You just had that sort of shit-eating grin on your face."

No, Bill, it's not a shit-eating grin. It's an I'm about to go on a date with a married woman grin.

And I might have embellished, because what actually is a date? I'm not sure. She asked me to take me to this thing. Just she and I. She kicked her man out. It happened just as such, although calling it a date was overpricing it just a bit. We were just two people, hanging out for the day.

I picked her up and we headed to the Baltimore Powwow, which was in Catonsville. She sat in the passenger seat with her camera, I sat in the driver's seat with mine, and Holden sat in the back. Here she is:

And here I am:

(No, I couldn't be bothered to shave, apparently. But Bill will tell you I was too pumped as I was leaving to remember much of anything.)

We got there. It was pretty fun. We were both disappointed there was no beer tent. The food sucked. But it was still a beautiful evening, and the grass felt nice and cool as we sat and watched the Native dances. We then walked around while she shopped.
Here she is. If there were ever any doubts about what those eyes can do to a man, then this should vanquish them. Now, the other thing about posting her pictures, in addition to the slippery moral slope it affords, is that she looks really young. Let me assure you that she really is 24.

Here she is with Holden:

So it was a good night. On the way back, she told me she just was trying not to think about the situation with her husband. I suggested Thirsty Dog, the only bar I knew of where we could bring Holden. We headed in there. I had Hearts Afire Palm Salad:

I did not take this picture until I was already finished with it, pretty much, so it diminishes from its epic grandeur. But she and I both wondered how the place could make any money off of this salad. For only $6.50, they make a salad too big to eat, full of gourmet ingredients like fresh mozzarella, hearts of palm, and fresh basil. I tried duplicating at home over break, and it cost well over $10.

Anyhow, she and I talked for a bit. It sort of struck me here that we don't have that much to talk about. I find her fascinating, but we don't have that much in common. This is why I value someone who just makes the conversation flow, because I'm not good at filling in blankness. There was some blankness tonight.

But there was also some connection. I feel bad for her, still. I told her that she was smart, and that she knew what the right decision would be. She said that she doesn't make good decisions all the time. I thought, "Well, no shit, Sherlock." But I said that we all have blind spots over some things, just like Atticus had said in To Kill a Mockingbird (she got me the Polish version of the book last year as a gift, and read it before handing it over). I hope she figures things out. I see now that she sees her marriage as temporary. I'm still not sure why she did it. Things are a little vague about her status here. When a cop was behind us driving, she told me that if we were to get pulled over, that she would be deported. She said it with her tongue in cheek, but then explained that her Visa was expired and other paperwork was in route, so she's not official.

A few shared blueberry ales later, I dropped her off. She gave me a big hug and I felt good about it all.

I'm blabbering, now. Expect to see more pictures soon. The digital camera is a lot of fun.