Thursday, Aug. 26, 2004

Drop down and get your eagle on, girl, posted at 1:03 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

1. I cannot wait until the new Nelly album comes out. I'm obsessed with hearing that "Flap Your Wings" song again ever since I happened upon it on the trip home to Michigan.

2. I saw Deep Water at home, at the $3 movie theater. (And, my dad paid.) I thought it was pretty good. It was a little slow to begin, but got pretty intense in the last half hour or so. I guess the point was that the audience's anxiety increased as the characters' did. I loved the ending, too.

3. I don't think I could have less interest in the Olympics if I tried. I have not watched any coverage at all. There's even this Michael Phelps character who eats at Pete's Grille, a favorite of us teachers on Professional Days, and I wouldn't know him if he were sitting next to me next time I was in there.

4. I left my software and my plug for my new digital camera at home, so I will not be doing much experimentation with it until mom gets that in the mail and back to me.

5. A running joke in my parents' house is how much stuff I leave behind during visits. It reached epic proportions this trip. Dad and I went to Staples while I was there so I could buy 60 composition notebooks at this incredible price (2 for 68 cents), all for my students. Staples let me take over the maximum ten because I was a teacher. I forgot them in the trunk of my dad's car, though, so I'll have to buy them all over again down here, without the deal.

6. I found the video version of that Nelly song. He's looking a little pudgy. It's all good, though. I'll always have an affection for the guy, because he looks exactly like this former student I had. He was a good kid, pretty troubled. Funny and smart, but mom didn't have a clue, or she was too overworked in her two jobs to knock some sense into him. For you long-timers, he's the one I had a dream that I adopted, complete with helping with homework at home and learning how to set alarm clocks. He was always tardy. I don't think he made it to his junior year at our school, unfortunately, judging by how I heard he was doing towards the end of last year. I have to check on him, wherever he is, in September. The other funny thing about him is his name is Barry. How many kids from the ghetto are named Barry? He's the only one I've ever had, that's for sure. I have had at least 25 versions of Sade/Sharde/Charde, though. Anyhow, Nelly sort of looks like Barry, and, judging from what little I know about Nelly's personality, they act alike too. Well, they're both funny.

7. Seeing Nelly's music video does not make me nostalgic for cable, and thus MTV, at all. I wonder now if the first single for radio is chosen by its video potential. Music videos are a pretty dumb artform, rarely done well.

8. I need to watch more TV. It helps get me away from the computer and helps my internal schedule. Tonight, I watched a rerun of The Simpsons and of Seinfeld. I laughed out loud at both. It was probably the first time I've turned on my TV the entire month of August.

9. I finished my 9th grade course syllabus today. I'm trying to practice brevity and have almost whittled it down to one page, front and back. I'm a little worried about our paper situation at school. I just have a feeling I'll be buying my own paper again this year.

10. Didn't go see Manchurian Candidate tonight, but plan on seeing Garden State at The Charles tomorrow night. I work 10-6, so it will be a nice reward. Hopefully I'll make enough to pay for my movie.