Saturday, Aug. 14, 2004

27, in two different versions, posted at 11:47 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I turn 27 in twelve minutes.

Which version of today do you prefer?

Version #1:

I'm sitting at home on a Saturday night, alone and lonely, but not really wanting to talk to anyone. I worked from 8-4 today and made $17 in tips because people are assholes. I went to the gym and lifted weights well enough but wimped out on my cardio because my legs hurt from standing all day. I planned to come home and make a mixed CD for my trip next week to Michigan, but instead I've just eaten way too many lime popsicles and watched a depressing Tigers game on the Internet. I work at 8am in the morning tomorrow, on my birthday. I'm single and childless and I'm three years older than my dad was when he had me 27 hours and twelve minutes ago.


Version #2:
I worked hard today and had a fun day, cavorting with the Polish girl at work and getting someone to work my second shift for me so I didn't have to work from 8am until 1am and then at 8am the next morning on my birthday weekend. When I left, I went to the gym and had a decent workout. I thought about calling up some folks and doing something, since it is my birthday eve, but decided instead to go home and get some reading and mix-CD making done. It was a rainy night and seemed the perfect night for reading Frankenstein in bed. I haven't done much of either, but still had a relaxing evening. Now I'm off to sleep. I'm in the prime of my life and am going to have a great night on Monday night with good friends from all over the place. Tomorrow, maybe I'll double the money I made today and make $34.