Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004

I feel like it's summer vacation, posted at 12:02 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

My last entry is pretty gross, but what is even grosser is that I cannot get out of my head the thought of this doctor in my ear, scraping, scraping, scraping. In addition, I had a dream this afternoon during my "I'm sore so the only thing I can think to do is lay down" nap that tiny little gnomes were mining inside my ears with axes and chisels, and coming out with wheelbarrows filled with shit they got in there.

I'm not sore anymore, though. There's something about six Miller Lites that dulls the pain. In fact, there's something about Miller Lite in the summer after a softball game that just makes it taste better. Usually, I'm in the mood for something more substantial, but after a softball game, it really hits the spot.

I never drank beer until I was 22 years old. Not even a sip. I hated the smell and couldn't imagine drinking it. But, one day, with my English teacher grad course's softball team, I decided to imbibe. Six beers later, I decided I liked it. Since then, I'm much more into the beer than anything else, although wine is good as well, especially if you want that sort of warm buzz or are on a date or on a beach or at home. Otherwise, it's beer. And cheap beer tastes really good when it's actually cheap ($1 drafts, $5 pitchers after softball) and when it you're sweaty and smelly and in a crowded bar with nothing else to do except play Flippy Cup.

This is a crazy week for me, so far. Softball games Monday and Tuesday, going out both nights, and the whole ear thing. Tomorrow should be tamer. I have to work, and hope to catch a matinee of The Village after my morning workout. Thursday is Melissa Ferrick in Mt. Vernon Park in front of the monument. Friday is an Orioles game. Right now, life is good, tiny ear gnomes and all.