Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004

Sister's visit, posted at 11:12 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Sorry to disappear like that. I returned from the B-More Happy Hour (good times... I look forward to the next one) on Thursday night to find my DSL not working. I haven't been online since then. E-mails have been bouncing to me and I have to actually buy the newspaper to see if the Tigers won.

Not much is new. I haven't been able to get to the library because my little sister came to visit on Saturday, along with two of her friends. They're all 23 years old and huge party animals, and I've been a part of their debauchery, a bit. My sister and I are very different. She's all about clubbing it up, and I found it a bit stressful just picking them up at Hammerjack's on Saturday night and Club One on Sunday night. They asked some folks at the Orioles game I treated them to where to go shopping, and were referred to Mondawmin Mall on Monday. There, we spent five hours while they checked out the urban wear. It was my first trip there. I don't really go to malls ever as it is, and this one, without an Old Navy or a bookstore, had none of the scant interest to me that usual malls do. So I sat and read Go Tell It On a Mountain, until a student of mine saw me and said, "Mr. Epiphany, what are you doing up here?" It was pretty funny, and I didn't have a bad day, eating my big pretzel and reading next to the fountain.

In other news, I saved a littel girl's life. At James Joyce (great place, by the way... it was my first time), a huge table umbrella tipped over from a freak gust of wind, and I leaped from my seat and caught it just a foot or so above the head of a baby girl. Her father told me I had saved her life. True story. He still didn't buy me lunch, though folks at ze restaurant have taken to calling me Superman. That's a true story as well. Seriously. I don't know how to get them to quit.

I've been continuing to keep up with the sister and her friends when I'm not working, but frankly I'm a bit tired. It's not all their fault, though. Last night, after my softball game (I pitched and struck out seven in six innings. In slow pitch softball. Wow, this whole entry is a big ego trip), I went to Kisling's and drank cheap Miller Lite for a few hours while we watched the All-Star Game, so that was clearly my fault, not theirs. Anyhow, I took the morning off while they go to the laundromat. I got away to a library and then I'm heading to the gym. My new modem should arrive in the mail by the end of the week, and they're driving home tomorrow (after a night riding the Baltimore Ducks and then heading to Power Plant tonight... not terribly excited, but I admittedly have always wanted to ride a duck), so hopefully I'll be back with some regularity soon.

PS: Sorry this isn't a proper Happy Hour post-writeup. My meter's about to run out and I think the moment has faded anyway. But, I look forward to doing it again (in August sometime?) and being able to hang out a bit longer. Thanks all for staying, and it was great meeting you all.