Monday, Jul. 05, 2004

Torn, posted at 3:54 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm back in Baltimore. The drive back didn't take as long; I finally got into the book-on-tape version of The DaVinci Code (although I still think it's pretty mediocre), and I didn't obsessively stop at every service plaza and discovered that dehydrating myself was a good way to avoid restroom visits*.

It's nice to be back.

I'm not sure how I'm feeling about my trip to Michigan just yet. Namely, I'm feeling very torn about where my home actually is right now.

It'll pass, I think.


*I have a very small bladder. I go 2-3 times every night, even. I've never been one to be the one to make someone else stop if I'm in the car with them, but if I'm driving alone, I stop every time I've got to go. Which, if I'm properly hydrated, is at least once an hour. This is also why I have a hard time teaching in the 90-minute block schedule.