Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004

summer reading list, posted at 8:13 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Because I'm sort of a dork at times, I'm getting all my colleagues to submit their summer reading lists to me. I'm going to compile them and give them to everyone by Friday, so we can all see what each other is reading. We've had a book club all year, and that worked well, and I think this is a logical extension.

So, here are the topics:

1. List the ten books you want to read this summer. Feel free to add comments if you want.

1. The Known World by Edward P. Jones: supposed to be amazing.

2. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: have never read it. So far, it's pretty good. A recommendation by Annie cemented that I should read it.

3. Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie: I'm also in the middle of this one. It's a fun read.

4. Moneyball by Michael Lewis: One of the three books I'm right now in the middle of. This is a quick, fun read for me.

5. Of Love and Dust Ernest Gaines. I've never read anything else by Gaines besides A Lesson Before Dying, and wanted to. I picked this up last night.

6. A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One of those that I always wanted to read. Seems like a big deep novel that's fun to work through in a summer.

7. The Color Purple by Alice Walker. I haven't read it in a few years and want to remind myself why it's my favorite book.

8. Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Seems like something I'd like a lot.

9. Angels and Insects by Dan Brown. I haven't gotten into the whole DaVinci's Code craze, but I figured I'd try one of these books.

10. Go Tell it On the Mountain by James Baldwin. Baldwin is one of my favorites, and I haven't read this since high school.

There's still a bunch, but those are the first ten I'm going to try. I've got to get away from this damn computer a bit, though.