Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004

Sumer softball season is on, posted at 10:40 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

What a great night.

Sure, we lost 13-11.

But it was so nice to get all liquored up on watered-down Miller Lite drafts for $1 and play flippy cup and get back with the softball crew.

I missed them.

I had a great night.

I need to practice flippy cup.

I hit two doubles tonight and almost hit it over the fence.

I might be ready to make my move on this girl on our team next week.

Life, right now, is good.

I'm drunk and it's Tuesday night. Yup, I'm definitely in summer mode.

But, as my driver and roommate Bill says, "You take the weeknights, I'll take the weekends." These is two weeks in a row in which that has been the case. Ha!