Monday, May. 24, 2004

Ten Monday Updates, posted at 8:50 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

1. I still have not seen a live cicada, but I can hear them every now and then so I'm finally convinced they're real.

2. I am getting more and more sure that I'm going to run the Baltimore Marathon.

3. I ate a whole bag of broccoli today and it's giving me the bubble guts, as my students would say.

4. I received Men's Health in the mail today. It seems to me that the cover models are getting older and older. I wonder if the readership is growing old and not adding any younger guys? Or if Men's Fitness has cornered the market on younger guys so Men's Health is trying to skew older? Regardless, I like both magazines a lot; they're both very clever and useful.

5. Yup, that's me reading a 9th grade literature textbook on the eliptical machine at Bally's. The Odyssey, to be specific.

6. I'm feeling fit and think I'm finally getting back into shape.

7. I need to find a date for a wedding on June 26.

8. I'm listening to a lot of Sinead O'Connor and Taleb Kwali at the moment.

9. Tomorrow is the Mary*land High Skool Assessment. Bal*timore City students get a week or so less time to prepare for it than county schools because we're still under the antiquated start-after-Labor-Day system and the state won't yield on the state test. This is pretty significant, because courses on a semester schedule are only 75% completed by the time they have to take the assessment for it. Remember that when you read test scores in the newspaper next year.

10. Thought about going to the movies, randomly and alone, after my gym trip today. Decided against it when I figured there wasn't much chance of Kill Bill 2 showing anymore, let alone right at the time I wanted to see it. Still no movies in 2004. This, from a self-proclaimed movie buff. I haven't even rented one. Maybe that will be when I finally feel like I'm myself again.