Saturday, May. 22, 2004

Great day, posted at 3:18 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Last night was great. I was in a celebratory mood all day, from when I wrung sleep out of my eyes on the way to the gym at 5am to leaving work early at 1:50 to drop off those passing test scores at N*orth Avenue so that hopefully now everything with my certification is set. I ended up meeting up with folks at that new place, Ryan's Daughter, which is pretty cool. It sort of felt like a yuppy chain like TGI Fridays or Chili's, which I like, but wasn't a chain, which I also like. I'm not sure how Irish it actually is - it's certainly no J. Patrick's - but it was fun and the St. Brenden's Pie I had for dinner was decent as well.

I ended up staying there from 4 until about 8, and got a little bit drunk even, and that was only stop one. Then it was off to good friend Jesse's place, where he was having a blend-off. My team's blended drink, Moons Over My Hammy (because it was breakfast-y), came in second - we had to concoct a drink starting with one shot of maple syrup. Shots of tequila and orange vodka were shared, I tried making dark and stormy's but the second ingredient wasn't around, and, needless to say, I got a little bit drunk. Nothing major - no throwing up or doing stupid things - just good old fashioned buzzing. Bill drove me home and I was able to watch the ninth inning of a Tigers victory on my computer.

Today has been a great day, too. I rolled out of bed with a bit of a hangover, but I squelched that early on by guzzling almost a gallon of water and eating some cereal. I went to Lowe's, bought a tomato plant to replace one that didn't make it through one of the storms last week, then had a great workout at Bally's before coming back and doing some gardening and going for a run in this great weather. I'm getting close to deciding for sure if I want to start marathon training. We'll see.

Right now, I'm counting off all the things I'd like to be doing tonight if I weren't working. Unfortunately, I am working. I'm going to take a quick shower and be off. I also need to hunt down an old Mary Lou Lord CD, because the song "Some Jingle Jangle Morning" is stuck in my head like crazy right now. It must be the hangover thing. Mary Lou and I know just what it feels like to wake up all fuzzy but make the best of it.