Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

Baseball tugging at my social life, posted at 11:12 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Baseball season has been frustrating. We've been at it for nearly three full months, and we've played eleven games. Another forfeit today. We had a great long practice, but I was itching to play. So were the kids. I didn't get home until after 9, and that's been typical of the season - long hours, mostly rewarding, but frustrating because of the lack of playing. Playoffs start Friday. As has often been the case (like tonight, as I missed another Baltimore Bloggers meetup that I would have liked to go to), I'm missing a much anticipated social event - a colleagues wedding party at Little Havana after work. Instead, I'll be on the west side of Baltimore at a school I couldn't find if I wasn't driven there in a bus. My hours have been very strenuous, and I wish we had more payoff in terms of being able to actually play games.

The meeting after school wasn't so bad. The weird rumors about school takeover were untrue, and I actually thought the woman did an alright job with us. No new news and no promises, but, as she says, she likes to underpromise and overdeliver. We'll see how it goes.