Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004

Dear Epiphany, posted at 11:45 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I had such a good day with you today. We hung out together out in front, you planting those flowers and me relaxing on the porch. Remember how we used to do this all the time last summer? I miss it. I know you're busy, even exhausted - I can tell it by how quickly you fall asleep at night after your late arrivals home. I understand, I really do. But I miss our runs around Herring Run, our walks around Lake Montebello, our trips out to the store. We never do any of it anymore. I'm gaining weight and not feeling very good about myself. My eyes are still bright and optimistic, but my body sags and I need your help. Mostly, I just miss you being around more. When you are here, I miss that verve you had last year, that irrepresible energy. Now, all we do is sleep together. I need more. You do too.

Okay, Holden, I'll try to be a better dog owner.