Monday, Apr. 19, 2004

0-4, posted at 9:49 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Working at that restaurant for so long just makes me in a bad mood. Especially when grades are due and I'm not making that much money. That explains my entry yesterday. I'm feeling much less morose today, although an angst floats in the air after my baseball team lost another game. We were whomped, and are now 0-4. I just don't get it. I'm totally and completely baffled by this.

Grades are due tomorrow. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull that off, other than taking a day off, which I won't do. I'm very, very tired and am heading to bed in moments.

I did make the 4:40 am alarm call, by the way. I admittedly did push snooze once, but made it to the gym just a little after six. Not too shabby. Had a great workout and am feeling better about things.

Today, Bill took the day off and spent it alone at ESPNZone watching the Red Sox game, then ambled off to Mother's to enjoy the last few innings and have a sandwich. That sounds an utterly amazing day. Someday, I will do that. This is one day after he comes home on a Sunday night after I had worked eleven hours. I ask him how his weekend was and what he had done that day, and he says, Nothing much, just went to a little barbecue, played some stickball, had a couple of beers. And I'm thinking, wow, that would be the highlight of my month.

I need more "me" time.

I am also completely and totally addicted to fantasy baseball. My team? The Mockingbird Killers. I'm such an English teacher dork.