Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004

Maybe next time, posted at 7:37 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Alright, I'm officially disappointed that I didn't go to the Baltimore Bloggers Happy Hour. Maybe next time. Baseball is sucking up all my time right now, though, and I couldn't really get away. But reading everyone's accounts makes me disappointed in myself.

I actually had a good workout today after school, because I cancelled practice and went straight to Bally's. A "good" workout, relatively speaking, because all I did was a chest workout and 40 minutes of cardio. But for me, lately, this is good. I really miss that feeling that I had last year that I was an athlete. I don't feel like an athlete anymore. I feel pudgy.

That being said, I can't believe I came home on Sunday night and wrote a slightly drunk entry in which I expressed my goal to run in the Baltimore Marathon. I'd love to, but that was probably the beer talking. Right now, I'm struggling to run three miles. It's more mental than physical. It takes so much mental power to remain on those machines without boring yourself to death, and I just don't have it right now for whatever reason. I used to look as exercise as an escape, and I'm not there right now. I need to get there. I don't know what it is, but I can't get out of my fitness funk at all lately. It's not just the Cadbury Eggs or the eye surgeries or the lawsuit. It's got to be something else. I'm bored as hell every time I go.

With that in mind, I asked the guy at Bally's today if I could upgrade my membership to have what I had last year: the local membership. Right now, I am only a member at the Towson branch. I pay $40 a month for it. Last year, I was paying $48 a month for all the Baltimore locations (three of them). However, I was really only going to the Towson branch after a while, so I decided to save myself that $8 a month this time through (since those $8/month add up to a lot over a year or three) and just get a single location membership. However, I am bored to tears of the Bally's in Towson. While the scenery is better at that one than the White Marsh one (re: more college girls) and the location is better to my school, the Towson one doesn't have a pool and I miss swimming. Plus, the White Marsh one is just a little bigger and better.

So I decided to upgrade back to where I was. It costs $170, one time fee. It doesn't matter how long I have left on my contract or anything. I wanted to just increase my monthly fee. Nope. I was so pissed off. I can't afford $170. They're just making me more and more want to join the Canton Club or the Maryland Athletic Center, even if I have time left on my Ballys contract. I hate Ballys. That new YMCA being built might be pretty cool, though. I should hold out for that, probably.

When I returned, I had a letter from the lawyer representing the lying man who is suing me. It turns out the lawyer is just as much of a liar as his client, Mr. Clarence Weston, crackhouse owner and frivolous lawsuit filer.