Friday, Mar. 19, 2004

Last Friday of winter, posted at 12:44 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Today, my students - under the direction of a colleague - plastered my chalkboards with "Go Nevada" and hung a sign outside my door. Yup, they were rubbing it in my face that the Spartans of my alma mater, MSU, lost yesterday in the first round of the championship.

I left the signs up all day. I figured I'd give them a bit of credit for what they did. Plus, it was all in good fun.

I was hoping a tiny bit that it would continue raining and snowing so I could cancel practice, but it's looking nicer out there now and I guess we'll have it. I'm just tired. It's been a long week. I'd like to head out to the gym after school and then to a late happy hour, but it's probably not going to happen.

My kids are taking a test right now. This is a funny class. I've got these two girls in the back row who wear these huge Jody Watley earrings (no, they don't know who she is - do you?) and I'm trying to force a "whose earrings are bigger?" competition on them. There was a big fight out in the parking lot with another school yesterday afternoon, and the first five minutes or so of class was them all gossipping about it while they got their word of the day down. I figured this class would give me the dirt. Apparently, a boy from our school decided to sleep with a girl from the other school, and the boyfriend led a group of kids over here to confront him. Then a bunch of girls got into it, talking about how the girl needs to keep her legs closed. And then all hell broke loose. The principal just got on and read the riot act to the kids. That's good. I couldn't believe the scene out there yesterday, while I was trying to conduct baseball practice.

I cannot make it 90 minutes without peeing if I'm keeping myself properly hydrated. I am leading the school in asking other teachers to cover my class while I run to the bathroom.