Thursday, Mar. 18, 2004

Thanks Cal, posted at 12:07 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Today was sort of a cool day - we got tons of stuff donated from Cal Ripken to the baseball program. A pitching machine, a soft toss machine, a ton of baseballs, some nets. It felt like Christmas. I'm going to have a good time playing with all that stuff. Practice went alright, as the weather normalized a bit. There's snow right now, though.

I went over to Boston Betty's for her annual St. Patrick's Day Party. I'm very tired now, though, and have no idea why I'm still awake, nor why I'm doing research as to how Pepsi One's sales are and if I have to be worried about it being discontinued. I actually thought someone might have a "Save Pepsi One" petition I could sign somewhere but, alas, no.

My first game is Monday. I still have to decide on a corner outfielder. It's between the junior who I loved as a student as a freshman and have coached the last two years, but I think he's been a bit sloppy in practice because he keeps missing the cutoff man. There's a stud 9th grader who is faster, seems to be more consistent, and I think has a better bat. I've got two days to figure it out. Then, the batting lineup. Should be fun.

Other news:

1. Bre has inspired me to seek out help for a new design. Maybe soon.

2. Tobey caught a mouse last night and I woke up to find it in bloody pieces on the floor.

3. I learned how to tie a double windsor knot today.

4. I saw my old friend Josh, who I haven't seen in 9 or 10 months.

5. I'm reading The Dogs of Babel. I found a hard-cover version at a thrift shop for 50 cents. of course, I get an armload of free books from The Book Thing at least twice a month, but still was excited to find such a treasure at a thrift shop. I had heard good things about it. We shall see.

I've gotta go to bed.