Friday, Mar. 12, 2004

Decent day, posted at 5:57 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Man, I can't believe this weather! I thought spring had come, but today proved that it's not. It was so damn cold out there for baseball practice that I cut it short, and even though I've been home for a half hour, my fingers are still numb.

The week was long, and busy, but overall pretty good. Last night, I got to see Langoki for the first time in three years, as well as her new fiance John. She's one of my oldest friends - we're both cops' kids and met back in Dave Hill's backyard when I was 14 and she was 12, then became good buddies on The Critic, our high school student newspaper - and it was good to see her. It had been far too long. She's probably one of my last two or three friends from high school, a fact that amazes me. I mean, high school was alright for me - I was someone that almost everyone knew, but I wasn't close with many - but I haven't stayed in touch with anyone since graduation nine years ago. I wonder how the reunion will go next year, assuming we have one. Danielle went to school in Indiana and then moved to Washington, and, even though I've been living here in Baltimore for three years, we haven't made the time to see each other. I can't let that happen again.


I just received Entertainment Weekly in the mail, and I cannot believe that Margaret Cho didn't make the "Top 25 Funniest People in America" list. She's right up there with Chris Rock, as far as I'm concerned. I might even write a letter to the editor.


I totally went off on one of my classes today, like I hadn't all year. For me, "going off" is very controlled, but my message is very clear. A girl yelled "shut up" at another student across the room, and that just broke the camel's back. I told everyone to complete the work, without a word from anyone. It was one of those moment when I was upset to the point where I could physically feel it, and I don't have that happen very often - my even keel stays pretty level. But I made them work in silence until the bell rang, about a half hour, and gave a speech about maturity and treating each other with decency that lasted the full eight minutes to close class. I think the kids were shocked. I know I was.

Rumors that Mr. Epiphany - perhaps the school's most laid-back and (dare I say it?) nicest teachers - had "went off" spread, and by the end of the day, kids were buzzing about it whenever I walked by. That's okay. They needed it.

Big exciting news with the budget crisis this week, in case you missed it. Mayor O'Malley, from what I can tell, is basically placing his political future on the line to save the schools. I think that's pretty cool. If it blows up in his face, he's pretty much done, but if it works, good for him. Gutsy. I also like that we'll not be beholden to anything except ourselves, since I pretty much consider the city and its schools as one.

Tonight, I have to go to the school play. I'm tired and don't want to go back there after just returning home at 6pm, but I've got to support my colleagues and students in the play.