Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004

A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client., posted at 10:56 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I just sent off my interrogatories to the plaintiff's lawyer, with absolutely no legal eyes looking over them. That's freaking scary. Before the car incident, I was thinking about hiring a lawyer just for a bit. Now I can't afford rent, let alone a lawyer. I hope I make good tips tomorrow. I hope I'm not laid off tomorrow. I hope my interrogatories don't make me lose my case.

Second entry of day.

Addition: Bill came in, I told him I was sending this off without a legal eye looking at it, and he gave me the biggest guilt trip about it. From the little help that I've gotten from a lawyer, she says the interrogatory isn't that big of a deal, though. I don't think I could incriminate myself with my questions. God, I hope not. Here are the stressful items in my life right now: 1. Paying $2500 to get my car back, tomorrow.
2. The impending threat of losing my job.
3. This lawsuit.

I guess I gotta keep it all in perspective. This is only the 3rd worst thing in my life right now. Gotta think of it positively, I guess.

On a real positive note (not a sarcastic positive note), I'm very excited about starting my first season as head varsity baseball coach on Monday. I'm hoping that, with the baseball season, my stresses will dissipate into fun stresses like who to put at first base and what the outfield will look like.