Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2004

Ze most tired teacher-slash-waiter in all of Baltimore, posted at 12:15 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

This concludes my fifth consecutive day working at the restaurant. I'm exhausted. I worked a busy shift on Friday, an epic 15-hour day on Valentine's Day, a horribly busy Sunday brunch, and two consecutive weeknights and I'm through with it. My joints ache from the stairs and I can't imagine waking up for the gym tomorrow. I was so tired on the way home tonight that I got lost on a route that I've taken a hundred times. Instead of taking Washington up like I always do, I ended up on Fayette Street somehow, and couldn't correct it so I kept driving around and around, not wanting to stop and take out my map and unable to make out most of the street signs. Serendipitiously, I somehow ended up on Harford Road and was able to make it home after only minimal circling.

I'm so ready for a break. Forty-seven hours at the restaurant and another few with lesson planning and two full days of teaching, all in the last five days? I must be crazy. I saw a colleague yesterday, and he couldn't believe what I was doing.

It's almost like I put my life on pause for a year to get myself righted. I don't hate it, but it is frustrating to back up and look at. Thankfully, I have both weekend nights off and don't work again until Saturday at 9am.

School, meanwhile, has been better. I'm optimistic that the latest developments in the financial crisis of the city schools will save my job. I am currently right in the midst of my To Kill a Mockingbird Changing Perspectives unit, and am having a great time with it. Today, we did our first poetry analysis of the unit, using an acronym that I made up (TPADS - Title, Paraphrase, Attitude, Devices, and Search for Meaning). I didn't realize until afterwards that TPADS seems like the name of a brand of tampons or something. My colleagues giggled about that one.

I'm trying to figure out what to do this weekend since I have both nights off. I'm hoping to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a long time.