Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003

Reason is terminated, posted at 2:09 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Today, I'm wondering which is more surreal: that Arnold Schwartezenegger is the Governor of California or that the World Series might be the Cubs vs. the Red Sox.

As for the former, I just feel so out of it. I don't understand how anyone justifies to themself that they owe their vote to an actor without any political experience who has spent much of his campaign ducking specifics and relying on charisma. I have no idea how our electorate could be that stupid. I'm just so bewildered by it all; I feel like everyone should be up in arms about it, but nobody is.

I think it's so ironic that the right complained about celebrities recounting their opinions about the war to the press, yet they elect someone who is just a celebrity. Remarkable.

Otherwise, things are okay. I'm still overworked and am unsure how I'll get through the week, but once I'm through it, I'm golden - five days in the mountains will be well earned.