Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003

Head coach?, posted at 12:13 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Yesterday I was bitter at school. This happens so rarely that one of my co-workers said she'd put it on the calendar. I'm generally very agreeable and laid back, but yesterday I felt like the 9th grade team was having a heap of work loaded on them that we didn't deserve, and it wasn't fair and I let people know about it. WE had to make writing folders, sticking stickers that weren't in alphabetical order on the folders (also not in order) of 450 9th graders, then divide them up into teachers and sections. It was awful.

This week, we've had kids only two days. On Monday and Tuesday, there was only intermittent power at the school. Teachers had to report, and we did work in course teams. Friday was already scheduled as a Professional Development Day, but every other team had less work and less students and more members, so they were already done. They could go to their classrooms and grade papers, which I desperately wanted/needed to do. But I couldn't.

So I was pissed off much of the day. It became a little comical, even. There's one student who switched from my class to another teacher's class after two days. I had already sensed she was going to be a problem and had a bit of an attitude. For example, on day two, the word "morose" was our word of the day. I used the word "gloomy" in the definition. She went on this huge harange about how she didn't know what the word "gloomy" meant, and it's not a real definition if I use words that people don't know. I informed her that most people know what the word "gloomy" meant, and, if she didn't, then there are dictionaries at the back of the room. It wasn't a testy conversation or anything, but I could sense she had a bit of a bad attitude. When she switched over to Alan's class, I was okay with it and sort of jibed him about it. He has continued to have problems with her in his class.

So, every time one of us complained yesterday? "Alright now, Epiphany, don't be Tanea." Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.

The big news that occurred yesterday was that the head baseball coach - who has coached for over twenty years at the school - told me that he will not be coaching this year and wants me to have the job. I (only I) have assistant coached for free for the last two years, and getting the head coach position is something I've dreamed of a few times. It would be amazing to be a head varsity baseball coach in my third year of teaching. And the salary boost would be great as well. It's not a done deal, and I still worry that the Athletic Director doesn't even know my name, but it's a distinct possibility. He said he's going to start campaigning for me, and I should do the same. I'm not very good at selling myself, but I'm going to do my best.