Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003

Busy, posted at 2:30 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

It's only week three and I don't even know all my kids' names yet, so it's a bit disconcerting that I'm already at a high stress level. I've got to get Outward Bound med forms in somehow, I've got to plan a bang-up lesson for tomorrow because my mentee is coming to see me teach, I've got to run out to Target to buy some school supplies, and I've got a pretty significant stack of homework to grade. I have a house concert on Friday night, and am lacking enough couches for everyone to sit on, so I'm looking for any sort of crappy couch anyone might have to even lend me for the evening. Internet access is nearly non-existent and I can't even update my house concert website.

That being said, today I was a good teacher. On B days, after going through my lesson one day already, I'm masterful. I've broken it down into enough steps so ninth graders can understand it without asking hundreds of little questions about it. I stood in front of the class and congratulated them on their first participation in high school literary analysis, and set them to work into what has turned into a well-planned writing workshop.

I almost feel like I should screw off on an "A" day sometime mid-year, so that they can get my second day of teaching. That way, it won't just be first period on A day that catches all the typos in my handouts, or asks all the questions that I'm not quite ready for. They're getting it freshest, but not always best.

Okay, off to fax medical forms.