Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003

R.I.P. A boy named Sue and Jack Tripper, posted at 4:50 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Wow, is Entertainment Weekly's end of the year tribute issue for all the stars who have passed ever going to be thick this year. Johnny Cash was expected, but still sad. His cover of "Personal Jesus" is incredible. John Ritter was just completely unexpected. He's my dad's age. If you think the guy was a one-note sitcom actor, go out and rent Sling Blade. It takes some guts to reinvent himself like he did so many times, but he did it, and now he had come full circle to star in another hit sitcom that I admittedly never had any desire to see. But it's still sad. I hope they air the new episodes.

It was such a shocker to learn that both were dead. I heard them both within 30 seconds from this snarky radio DJ that I listen to in the mornings when Howard Stern is on one of his ridiculously long commercials.

It's been a long week. Despite the day off on Tuesday, the Meet-the-Teachers nights and the Melissa Ferrick concert made the week exhausting. I worked at the restaurant last night, and I was sore and tired and grouchy. I had nice tables, though, and did an okay job - until the end, when I gave two tables each other's bill. Neither table noticed, probably because the gay couple that I gave the more expensive bill to didn't look at it, just handed me their credit card. I had overcharged them about $15. They're regulars, luckily, so I'll be able to get them back next time they come in. I didn't realize it myself until they had left.

I worked this morning, but am off now, and hopefully someone will be around to do something with tonight.