Thursday, May. 01, 2003

Be like a duck - paddle like hell underneath but look calm as molasses on the surface, posted at 11:22 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Tonight I went to a Planned Parenthood fundraiser. I did it mostly as a favor to a friend, and had an alright time. It wasn't very fun, but the weather was gorgeous and Kristin and I went up to the deck to stare out at the sailboats gliding through the water. It was peaceful and provided what seemed to be my first moment of relaxation all week. After those ten minutes were over, though, it was back over to spend time watching the rich white liberals spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars at the charity auction. It was the first auction I've ever witnessed, and was not nearly as exciting as I had imagined it might be, nor did it have the humor of that Frasier episode - does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I'm sort of amazed right now by just how busy I am, by how many commitments I seem to have for myself. If it's not my classroom, it's meetings that seem to go on forever or social commitments that I make for myself or job commitments that I cannot extract myself from. Life is busy right now. I need to get away.

Which is why this e-mail from ex-roommate Jesse was so welcome in my box today:

Hey. I justed wanted to let you know of an upcoming camping trip that should be a blast. Friday, May 16th (two weeks from now) I have 2 sites reserved at Patapsco Valley State Park, only 20 minutes away from Baltimore! The park has hiking trailheads that begin at our campsite, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, frisbee golf, bow hunting and plenty of other rugged outdoorsy stuff. Best of all, you're not committed to the whole weekend. Leave after work or class on Friday and come back on Saturday whenever you need to be back! The cost will probably be about $5 each for the campsite and 3 or 4 dollars for groceries for dinner and brunch! Bring your own sleeping bag, camp chair, and drinks. Let me know if you have a big tent you could bring! We have 12 spaces. So let me know if I can put you down! Invite a friend. Send a reply or call me by Monday please!

I'm in a better mood already. I think the fact that I didn't go away for Spring Break is starting to catch up with me.

By the way, does everyone realize that Mike Maroth (born the same weekend I was) pitched a no-hitter through 7 innings today against Baltimore, only to see the Tigers lose the game 6-4? The game was so damn exciting until that point. Then it all just fell apart. The Tigers are such a truly bad team. It's becoming disheartening.

Here's a secret for you that I really haven't told anyone: Sometime in the distant future, like maybe even this year, I plan on getting a tattoo of the old English D to represent both Michigan and the Tigers/baseball. I'm waiting until I get down to my goal weight of 175, which I'm getting closer and closer to (I might have to settle for 180, though). I am beginning to have second thoughts, though, with the Tigers being as awful as they are. I don't want to become a laughingstock. Or, maybe, it will just show what a true fan I am.

Or what a true idiot I am.