Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003

Snow day celebration, posted at 1:17 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Spent all afternoon with Bill yesterday, bar-hopping from 3pm until ending up at Jesse's birthday party at his amazing new house.

I'm feeling quite lucky I have made friends with Bill. He's a good guy, easy to talk to and a lot of fun. What we lack in common interests - I doubt if I'll ever have a conversation with him about The Hours, for example, or about Dar Williams' use of extended metaphor in her song "February" - is made up for by our ability to talk both sports and girls together with ease. Yesterday, I actually shared quite a bit with him, as the beer began to flow more and more and the dart game at Mick O'Shea's slowly became more competitive. I discussed the situation in Michigan, the situation here in Maryland, and much stuff in between. He discussed his own insecurities, like the fact that he's dating a girl he thinks might be too young. In between conversations, we hopped over to The Owl Bar for a drink, and then up to the 13th Floor - which is wonderful at 7pm. No crowd, just mellow live music and the best view of Baltimore anywhere.

It was a good afternoon. We had planned on getting some folks together, but it ended up being only the two of us until we careened into Jesse's party. That was fun, but the night was already old and I was feeling a bit sluggish. An early night, but a good afternoon.