Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

Another snow day, posted at 2:51 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Had a snow day today. Did nothing except sleep in. This is good, because I think that if you went near my desk at work, you could have smelled the fumes I was running on. For some reason, I am exhausted lately.

I'm still reeling from The Hours. It's the type of film that makes me want to write. It's the type of film that begs re-viewing. I am still trying to wrap my head around its themes, what it was trying to impart onto the world. I see such parallels between the three stories, but also such differences. I love a movie that you have to chew on for days and discuss with your friends, that make you want to see it again.

It's been a week of viewing pleasure. I rented the first six episodes of Six Feet Under earlier this week. Talk about a show that fully takes advantage of the arc of a television program. Thirteen episodes can be like thirteen chapters in a great novel, and this TV show proves this. Such complex characters and storylines. Amazing.

Seeing a great film helps immerse me in the film world, and I came across this very provocative essay on the box-office failure of Antwone Fisher. I've wondered about it as well. This is a very good movie, an honest, moving film - yet you don't ever hear about it. It should be nominated for a number of Oscars, but it probably won't be. Last year, the Oscars honored two African-American performers with Oscars that appeared in films that had predominantly white casts. This year, it does not appear that a film that deserves just as much accolades as those two will get any attention. Luke Fisher, Denzel Washington, and Viola Davis should all be in the nomination for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress.

Viola Davis is an interesting choice, because she only appeared in one scene. But like Ed Harris and Toni Collette in The Hours last night, she used that one scene to demonstrate just how powerful acting could be. Amazing. She did it all with hardly even a word.

Well, I'm off to enjoy 3:00 celebratory snow day beers with the guidance counselor.