Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003

casting of mice and men, posted at 12:33 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I have my students casting a film version of Of Mice and Men. I thought you might be interested at some of their choices. These are some of my favorites:

Lennie: Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Clark Duncan, Jim Carrey, "that fat guy in Tommy Boy" (my comment on her paper: "Sorry, he's dead."), Adam Sandler, John Goodman, Brook Leaner from WWE

George: Ving Raimes, Vern Troyer ("because he was short and quick, just like george"), George Jefferson

Curley's Wife: Drew Barrymore, Agelaina Joylee (sic)

Crooks: Snoop Dog, Danny Glover, Martin Lawrence, Bill Cosby (I love this idea)

Curley: Justin Timberlake