
Cast of Characters, posted at 12:10 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com


Cast of characters:

Here are the folks I write about

Jeremy - My roommate. One of my best friends, suitemate our first two years of college, former college athlete, not that much in common with him but we get along famously. Moved the 600 miles with me to be my roommate. He's also even flakier than I am and is currently fairly unemployed. Formerly referred to as Jason.

Roommate Mike - My second roommate. Didn't know him before. Overall a pretty good guy, but this is his first time living without his parents and it shows. Lazy and messy, but good taste in music. I doubt if I'll be lifelong friends with him, but we can get along enough to live together.

Friend Mike - Was friends with him in middle school, and we became friends again last year teaching together. He's a 3rd year teacher, and moved down to the area I'm living in this year. Good guy. A big drinker, he can drink me under the table.

Erin - Back home friend. One of my best. We have a fight once every two years or so, and the last one was over this diary. I don't think she reads it anymore, which is probably for the best. I occasionally refer to her as "Eleanor," in honor of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Hugasoul - Another back home friend. She's hooked up with Paul, another good friend. Excellent taste in music, mediocre taste in films. Great person. Her diary

Gale - She's one of my closest friends. Has a unique way of looking at the world that consistently amuses me. Lives 600 miles away, which is a bummer.

Parents - He's been a cop for 24 years, she's been a nurse for 20 years. Fairly happy marriage, fairly close relationship with me. I feel lucky to have them.

Sister - Heidi, age 21, says she's moving down to Baltimore to live with me when Mike #1 moves out. We have an okay relationship. I can't stand her smoking. Otherwise, all is well. She's a flake, though - didn't go to college because of her boyfriend at the time. She has a cosmetology degree.

Holden - My new dog, a lovable 60-pound Lab/Husky/Collie/Sheperd/Retriever combination (no one is quite sure what). Named after the lead character in Catcher in the Rye. Great dog, especially for being a year-old SPCA rescuee with two previous owners.

Nick - New teacher here at school who I'm trying to become good friends with.

Josh - Temporary 4th roommate, cool guy but he's making for a crowded house. He's an elementary teacher.

Teri - Mid-30s health teacher. Fun woman who I've been hanging out a lot with.

Michelle - New teacher, just moved from Ohio, has a boyfriend back home but is a lot of fun.

Kristen - another fairly new friend. Michelle's roommate. Math teacher. One week after meeting her, I had dinner with her parents, who are the same age as my grandparents. There's an entry about it.