
Holden & the mail, posted at 7:37 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Holden attacks the mail. Viciously. Every day. It took us a while to figure it out, though. Why are our letters always bent?, we'd ask. Is that a toothmark? Hmmm. Yesterday, Jason caught him. Attacking the mail. Apparently it was hilariously out of character for Holden. The mailwoman came onto the porch, and the always friendly and lovable Holden began barking and snarling, then attacked the mail coming through the slots. Yesterday, he shredded a newspaper.

I guess I can't blame him, since he's hearing all day on TV about anthrax coming in the mail. Ha. I actually really enjoy the fact that he's gotten so protective of the house, although I realize that eventually that could be a bill or a check in the mail that he shreds, so we've got to be better about shutting the breezeway door so he can't get at the mail.

Holden also peed on the pingpong table leg last night, right in front of us. It was his most egregious sin yet since I'd gotten him. He just lifted his leg and peed while we were playing. I don't think he'll do it again, though. I yelled at him and sent him straight outside. Scared him good, I think. I even felt guilty about it afterwards.

I think he was frustrated that Jason and I not only came home late (I had to take Jason out to pick up his car from the mechanic right after school, then got horribly lost on the way home), then spent most of the evening playing pingpong and not paying attention to him.

I finally got some pictures of him, and will post them shortly on here.

Meanwhile, life is okay. I have about 90 three-page essays to grade before tomorrow afternoon, and still am not sure how I'm going to finnesse getting grades done while I'm camping in the Appalacchian Mountains for four days. But I'm not worried. I'll just make them up. I hate grades, anyway. Who's going to know? I know about what kids deserve.

I'm just kidding. I wish I could, though. The next week or so will be pretty stressful other than the camping trip, as I try to juggle a lot of different responsiblities for the next week.

I love Halloween. It's been one of my favorite holidays ever since my sister was born on that day when I was four. I couldn't think of anyone to dress up as, though (it's very cool to be in a school that actually encourages dressing up for kids and teachers, as the PC Gods have outruled Halloween in a lot of schools), so I've just got on my jack-o-lantern tie. I just saw a witch and a farmer walk by. Next year, I'll dress up. I looked for a Hagrid costume last night after I got really lost, but couldn't find one. I think I could pull him off. Despite the 80-pound weight loss, I'm never going to be a skinny guy, so I couldn't pull off, say, Harry Potter.

I'm letting one of my classes have a pizza party today. If anyone asks, I'm going to lie and say that it was a privelage for them getting good attendance. Actually, it's just because they're a good class.

Oh, and I got my blood pressure checked for the trip last night. 120 over 60. Not too shabby. (I think that's good, right?)