
Chin up, posted at 3:41 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Three entries in a day. Woah.

Just wanted to followup and say my day ended very well. My Freshmen, formerly the bane of my existence, are now okay. They are so into "To Kill a Mockingbird" that it is absolutely inspiring. I love that book so much. I'm reading it for the first time in 11 years, and I'm reading it along with them (reading it the summer before didn't work out, so I'm sort of just an inch ahead of them), so my joy in the book is right out there in the open. I forget how it ends, so I'm on the edge of my seat when I read. Today, I nearly teared up while talking to the class about Tom Robinson's hopelessness and how it made him try to escape from prison.

After school, a bunch of students stopped by for various reasons. It feels good to be needed.

Anyhow, things are better. Once again I enjoy Freshmen. Of course, five of my little angels were gone on a field trip, so everything may change when they return tomorrow.