
I'm better, posted at 9:34 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I'm back. No longer am I a whiny sufferer of bronchitis. I am now a bronchitis survivor.

I woke up at 5am today and went to the gym. I went into school and had a great day. I left early to work on a class project. I feel great.

But I still took Nyquill to get to sleep. That can't be good. I am still a little sniffly and still have a bit of a cough. That's how I justified it to myself. But four days in a row of taking some sort of heavy cold medication right before bed cannot be the model of good health to which I aspire.

I'm thinking very seriously of resigning from my sports camp job. I just don't have a good feeling about it. And Jessica has an open room in her house. I just wouldn't have a summer job at this point if I decided not to do it. I could find one, though. There's always Meijer. I've lived on campus far too long.

My favorite student Hugo doesn't want to take the MEAP writing test because he's afraid he's going to fail. The kid came from Cuba just three years ago, and failed it when he took it a year ago. Well, of course he failed it; he only had learned English two years before. He's got a whole other year of English instruction under his belt now. And the kid is bright as hell. I hope he decides to take it. Hugo is the kind of student who amazes and inspires me to be a better teacher. He has all year. I need to tell him that.