
Can't Sleep, posted at 1:26 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I can't sleep. It is 1:35am, or 2:02am if you believe my alarm clock. I'm one of those people who plays tricks on myself and sets my alarm clock ahead. My old roommate Tiffany made fun of me for this, saying it would never work for her because she can add and subtract in her head. But for me, I set it an uneven amount of minutes ahead, and basically it takes more effort to try to subtract the numbers than it is to get up. So it works for me. Anyhow, I'm at the computer, sitting in my underwear, eating freezie pops, and reading weeks worth of a diary of a nice woman who signed my guestbook (kellyk.diaryland.com). I can't sleep. My alarm clock is set to go off at 5am. This is not good. My schedule has gotten so screwed up after a week off, and I cannot robotically turn it back on again. I tried to go to sleep at 10:30, but ended up getting up and watching that Comedy Central sitcom "That's My Bush!" and a 1985 rerun of the Larry King show. I'm actually excited about this week. Maybe that's it. My last week of lead teaching. I'm planning a mock trial of George from "Of Mice and Men" for my sophomores. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to videotape it, which may make the kids behave more. I'm also excited because Gale called and we're assembling a group of folks to go to the bar on Friday. I can't wait. I guess it will be a Good Friday.