
Job Fair Day!, posted at 4:30 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

How excitiing!

I just got back from the job fair, which was a much more pleasant and less stressful than I ever imagined. It was actually a pretty wonderful day.

I got offered three jobs on the spot, from Baltimore City Schools, Fort Lauderdale, and a school in California. I also got a lot of leads in other areas.

My job search seems to be falling into three areas, all with positives and negatives.

One of the areas is the southern east coast. I divide this area, which I'll call area 'A', into two areas - the DC area and the South Carolina area. Today was the first day I realized the two were actually pretty far from each other. South Carolina is really high on my list right now. Charlotte seems like an amazing city. So does Raleigh-Durham. So does Chapel Hill. I spoke with all three districts today, and I think we were all mutually impressed. The other area is DC, and I talked with Fairfax, VA and a couple other nearby counties in Virginia. They seemed very cool as well.

Florida is the other area I'm drawn to. One is for the whole grandparent thing. But the schools look pretty cool, too. I interviewed with St. Pete, Ft. Myers, and Ft. Lauderdale. The latter offered me a job on the spot, but the former seems the promising as to what I'm looking for.

The other area is California, which is enticing me with big salaries and signing bonuses. I talked with San Bernadino, Palm Springs, Silver Valley, Fremont, and Long Beach today. All seem promising.

Any thoughts on any of these places would be appreciated :)

Stay tuned.