
Ending the summer rut, posted at 04:01:24

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Gale, Jason, and I packed and moved all my stuff the other night. Erin came over too. That means I'm moving out of Akers Hall for the last time. Finally, some sense that my life is going in a different direction is coming over me. It's nice. I'm ready for changes.

I'm immensely enjoying my new position so far. My new boss has made res life exciting for me again. I can't wait for the kids to come. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a summer. Generally, the summer means the parting of company with friends, a new job I don't like, and not a lot being accomplished. So far, not much of this has happened this summer. In fact, I'm pretty damn happy.

My summers since I came to college:

1996 - "The Work Like Hell Summer". Went home to South Haven, worked two jobs, average 90 hours of work a week. Had Sunday mornings off, otherwise I worked roughly 12-14 hours a day. It was hell, but I felt like I accomplished a lot.

1997 - "The Fun but Broke Summer". Lived in Cedar Village with Tiffany and Tony. Had lots of parties, still have lots of stories to tell (the pretzels, permagrin, the bat, the fire alarm). Spent way too much money, charged way too often.

1998 - "The Miserable Summer". Worked too hard in jobs I didn't like. Didn't like my co-workers.

1999 - "The Depressed Summer". Hated my job and my life. Hated people. Hid it well, but I was working too hard and not enjoying myself.

2000 - ??? So far, so good.