
Tired, posted at 6:36 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Yesterday was a long day. I didn't get home until 10pm, after a fairly stressful evening of driving around students on tenuous legal ground (signed permission slips, which apparently never hold up in court). The day was even long, with the PSAT requiring more energy than I would have liked.

Schoolhouse Rock was fun, and I think the kids both liked it and learned from it. We watched 23 minutes of the vido, enough for all eight parts of speech. It's funny, though, even a video doesn't make for that easy of a day. You've still got to be on them about staying quiet enough for everyone to hear, and about not putting their heads down (it was a tough day for them).

Plus, it looks like the doctor is giving the patient a handjob in the "Interjection" song. Almost every kid noticed, and there were plenty of snickers. There were a few snickers about the bestiality undertones of the pronouns song.

Still, it was fun to watch. The two songs I just mentioned were my two favorites. The conjunction song ("conjunction junctin / what's your function?") is, of course, fun. The verb song is pretty cool, too. Unfortunately, prepositions, the part of speech we were studying yesterday, got stuck with the crummiest song.

Instrunctional audit today. Giving a test. Please let this week end soon.

I have a desire to get rip-roaring drunk this weekend. Haven't done that in ages. We'll see.