
The Spy Club, posted at 2:48 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Last night was a fun night. I went out with Nick, Felicity, and Michelle. We went to our usual hangout bar, and played this drinking game most of the night that I called "Risdonania" (after its inventor). The game incorporated elements of "Would you rather...?", and went something like this: In turns, people present two different choices, and then stated their choice out of the two options. If you agreed with the person, you took a drink. Otherwise, you didn't. It's fairly simple. The options can be simple and goofy ("mustard or ketchup"), can be philosophical ("there is a god or there isn't a god", "mom or dad"), can be perverted ("missionary style or doggie style"), can be musical ("The Go-Gos or The Bangles"), etc. No explanation is allowed. It was soooo much fun. I loved every minute of it.

Afterwards, we danced for two hours or so upstairs in this club we'd never been to. It's called The Spy Club. It was basically this old mansion turned into a dance club. It was soooo much fun, as the five of us dominated the dance floor. Felicity taught me the waltz. I stepped on her feet, but didn't drop her when I dipped her.

Afterwards, we almost ended up going to an afterhours place, but changed our mind and went to Subway instead. Michelle and I walked Felicity home, then I invited myself to spend the night at Nick's - we didn't get in until 4am. He even gave me the bed while he slept on the couch.

It was a fun time. Today will be much milder, as I plan on heading over to Ikea, working out, cleaning, and cooking - trying to get ready for the house concert tomorrow night.

Wish me luck.