
Staff reunion, posted at 11:03 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

After losing a good portion of yesterday's entry because I didn't understand the "field" stuff, I now think I understand it. I'm adding "workout" from that morning, "read today", and "listened to today" sections to the bottoms of my entries.

Here's a bit of info from what was lost yesterday: I had great conversations with Eleanor and then Simon on Tuesday night. I was in a phone-happy mood, and also called my parents (they were moody) and Gale (phone was busy). I've been feeling a bit homesick lately, mostly due to two reunion parties I'm missing in East Lansing this month - once for the 1999-2000 res life staff at Akers, and one for my internship TE class last year. The reslife thing has been especially nice to remember, as the invitation has come over e-mail, and since that time almost the entire staff has offered little "updates" of their lives. Some have been hilarious, and all made me miss their originators. I wasn't even that terribly close with that staff (except for Eleanor first semester, and Gale second semester, and a few people who became B-level friends, like Doug, Alia, Clint, Robin, and Rob), but I miss all the people.

That was the year where I fell into the lone period of sustained depression I've had in my life. I was really fat, hated my job, hated my summer job, hated the changes made, hated my immediate supervisor (I grew to love her, though), and hated my ill-defined role on staff. The two or three-month bad mood last only a couple of months, but it coincided with the beginning of the school year and it hurt my relationship-making ability that year. But they were all great people.

Well, the jury's still out on Celeste. And Tendai. But otherwise it was a good staff.

Books on tape are a wonderful thing. I have Ruby Dee doing Their Eyes Were Watching God, and I'm mixing in about 20 minutes or so a day (to be declining as we get farther into the book) of listening to her read it. The kids are absolutely rapt at attention to her voice.

I hope practice is rained out tonight. The sooner I can make it out for Thursday night bar night, the better. It's been something I've been looking forward to all week.