
Random Tuesday observations, posted at 12:22 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Some random thoughts from the last couple of days...


I just intalled Easy Grade Pro into my computer, and it's making me excited about grading things so I can enter the scores.


I keep seeing students - particulary the four bitchy girls who ruled the roost - from my dreaded 7th period from last semester, and they always say Hi to me and act as if they like me. I'm always polite back, but I'm thinking the whole time that the wounds are still too fresh, that I'd rather they just ignore me when we our paths cross. Then I remember I'm the adult in the situation and I shouldn't be thinking things like that.


Other than that, though, I really enjoy seeing kids from last semester. Overall, they're really nice. My kids this new semester have been angelic. I've been planning well and just in general kicking ass as a teacher.


I was at school until 6:30 last night because I was so excited about entering scores into my new grading program.


I was so exhausted when I got home that I went to bed at 9pm. Then, I woke up in the middle of the night hearing squeaking coming from the corner of my basement bedroom. It freaked me out. Baltimore has a rat problem. I've never seen a rat out in the wild before. It would seriously freak me out if I had any in my basement. Heck, it would freak me out if I had a freaking mouse.


I hate that I'm so stressed about money, and that I put myself in that situation all the freaking time.


I love this two hour break I have in the middle of the day. I get so much work done.


I'm very excited about 24 tonight. This has been a good year for the number. First, I turned that age. Then, Kristin Plater released an album with that as its title, and now one of the best shows ever is called it.


I really want to go to the movies this weekend. I want to see Black Hawk Down, The Mothman Prophecies, and maybe I Am Sam, if only because Hugasoul liked it. There's certain evidence that her taste in films could be improving. The reviews for it have been bad, though; I haven't even see a good one. Not a good sign.


My first co-ed volleyball game is Wednesday night. Woo-hoo!


I added a picture of my house to my photo album. I'm not sure why, other than that Paul was nice enough to send me a scanned copy of it, and I don't have many pictures there. It's really not very interesting, but feel free to peruse.