
Another solo Sunday matinee, posted at 5:29 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

So, yes, I tried something new last night. It was fun. Josh came over with it, and it was a pretty spontaneous decision - even though I had been planning on doing it the first time he asked me to. The feeling wasn't too different from drunkenness, in my inexperienced opinion. Only, I could maintain focus better and felt a little... I dunno... healthier. I laughed a lot. Tobey had to jump off my lap twice because I got to laughing so hard during Saturday Night Live (there was one skit in which the crazy little woman performer got just a little too "into" the party game they were playing, and we were rolling on the floor). We watched movies and listened to music and dreamed up an idea for a bar called "The Tank," complete with a rooftop party area called "The Tank Top" and aquariums for windows. We were both pretty tired, and save for a quick trip to Royal Farms around the corner for a sub (him) and fig newtons (me), we didn't leave our couches. I definitely had no aftereffects in the morning, which was a nice difference from what occurs after a night of heavy drinking.

Anyhow, last night was a good time. I'll definitely do it again sometime, although don't expect this to become the potheadteacher.diaryland.com or anything like that.

There is no way in hell it should be illegal, by the way. Alcohol is a much more dangerous substance.


Today has been a pretty lazy Sunday. I spent most of the morning watching political news shows, as my excitement and anticipation for Tuesday's election grows. The races in Minnesota, Louisiana, South Dakota, Missouri, and here in Maryland are very close, and I'll be glued to the TV most of Tuesday night, waiting for the polls to close. I'll be placing my vote for KKT as early in the AM as I can make it. There's no school on Tuesday, because the schools are used for polling places.

After the morning, I went to the gym for a replay of two Sundays ago, when I went to the gym and lifted, then to the movies, and then back to the gym for cardio. The gym depressed me a bit. Stepping on the scale revealed that I've gained three pounds this week, which is the first non-vacation week I've ever gained weight in during last two years. I felt fat, and the baggy t-shirt I was wearing didn't help matters any. I slogged through my workout, and was thinking about how pissed off I was at myself for having such a lazy week - a week in which I didn't get up in the morning at all to go to the gym, and only made in the evenings twice. That, coupled with Halloween candy, certainly contributed to the poundage. Then I got pissed off that my metabolism is what is is, so that even taking a week off and being a bit active and not eating horribly (just a few concessions this week) can make me gain weight. It was another reminder that I'll be doing this for the rest of my life. I wish that I was born with a more naturally healthy metabolism, though.

The listless workout and bad mood made me set some goals in my head while working out. Here they are:

*No more skipped mornings. Go in the mornings, or double your workout in the evening if you miss it.

*Run no less than 15 miles each week. If you skimp one day, that's okay, but that just means you've got to do a little more the next day.

*To bed by 10pm every day so getting up isn't difficult.

After the initial workout, I walked over to see Punch Drunk Love, Paul Thomas Anderson's new movie. His film Magnolia is my favorite movie of all time, and while I was initially put off my the idea of him doing an Adam Sandler movie, I eventually warmed to the ideas once I read what some critics had written. (Other critics, though, have hated this new movie.) Anyway, I thought the movie was pretty good. This is the third Sunday matinee I've gone to solo in the last three weeks, and this would fall somewhere between My Big Fat Greek Wedding (My grade: C-) and Bowling for Columbine (My grade: A). Let's say a B-. I loved parts of it, but thought other parts went on too long. It worked well as a sum of the parts, but I wanted a whole experience. I loved the soundtrack, and thought Sandler was okay. Emily Watson played pretty much a non-blind version of her role in Red Dragon. She's becoming the quintessential dream girl of dysfunctional men, so of course I'm now looking for my own version of Emily Watson.

Anyhow, I liked how the film played with sound and light. The soundtrack is at times jarring, but really seems to be the music playing through the character's heads. I loved that the film was totally unpredictable, that I didn't know where PTA was taking me. I didn't like that the movie seemed a times to be some sort of experiment, a little bit of a break between the intense, emotionally epic Magnolia and Boogie Nights. I thought the camera hung on Sandler too long in some scenes. I don't know. I liked some, didn't like some.

The previews were so good. While I was watching them, I thought to myself that I would be willing to spend $5 to watching two hours of previews. I love them that much. Adaptation is going to be incredible; I can feel it. I also saw the first preview for About Schmidt, with Jack Nicholson and Kathy Bates, and that one's going to be good. I've been hearing about that one for months. The new Spike Lee movie looks decent, too. It's going to be a great winter movie season, and next week I'll be seeing 8 Mile.

I got to the theater a little early, which sucks when you're there alone. I used the time to think about my place in Baltimore. I find myself drawing away from my friends here a little, and imagining myself back in Michigan. The reality is, I don't know what direction I want my life to take in the next few years. Have no freaking idea. I at least now have the debt thing figured out, but the rest of my worlds needs some settlement.

Off to plan lessons and prepare for the Halloween episode of The Simpsons...