
New Design, posted at 9:28 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

So. Yes. This is the new design.

Thanks everyone for the comments, but especially to Skylar711, who made me feel really good with a little comment in my notes section. I was feeling the same way. Here I am, a struggling html user, trying to work on my journal, even putting an "I'm working on it still" type of message in the entry, and I get all these mean comments in my guestbook. Like Skylar711 said, it's one thing to have an opinion, but it's another thing to say it rudely. Oh well. I guess that means it matters to people. Or maybe that I have thin skin. Still, I hope that readers can live with the new design and are still able to read it. It's not like I invented new Coke or the DH rule here, nor did I colorize classic movies with weird shades of purple and green. It's just an online journal. And I think it looks good. The comment that most concerned me was from Kinetix, who said the first redesign was difficult to read, so hopefully this one is easier. I've been to many a site that is difficult to read, and that's no good. I like small fonts (I even tell my students to write as small as they can), but this new one doesn't seem too small to me. Let me know if it is.

I needed a change. Epiphany.diaryland.com needed a change. The old one had a certain charm to it, but I had moved on. The old site had a caricature of me that was drawn last year when I was 40 pounds heavier. It had a banner on it that still said I was in my first year of teaching. It was time to move on. I will try this one on for a while. It's snazzy and has more room for links and more room for my rambles.

Today was a long day. I didn't work out. Most of my students failed their parts of speech quiz, and this was frustrating to me. I will have an amusing entry about that tomorrow (I had them do a self-analysis of why they did poorly... I'll share some tomorrow.) Hugasoul called, and it was great to hear her voice but she's still being secretive, though I understand and I'm trying to be as supportive and non-pushy as possible. :) I stayed at school until after 5, then came home and graded papers for a couple of hours while I watched the best episode of Boston Public that I've seen since the "N-word" episode last year. I was happy to see the loud African-American woman from the beginning of Magnolia (the one who said she didn't have a body in her closet) and the homely slugger from A League of Their Own as co-stars in this episode. It's nice to see fringe type actors who have held important roles in movies you love find work, and even more fun to recognize them.

A colleague is totally taking advantage of me with dog-sitting chores, and my niceness is interfering with my ability to have a life. He calls tonight, asks me if I can dogsit the rest of the week. I figure he had a death in the family and needs to leave town unexpectedly, and agree. Nope. He's going on vacation with his family for the rest of the week to Florida, calling in sick. So now I have to watch his little shit of a dog who piddles on the floor and is one of the most annoying creatures ever. And I love dogs.

Too damn nice. As Gale would say, sometimes a person's best qualities are often his downfalls as well.


Other randomness: Am getting very excited about next week's election. I'm really hoping that KKT can pull it off. I find Ehrlich to be dispicable. I'm finding the Walter Mondale situation in Minnesota to be fascinating and sad. The Florida governor's race is pretty intriguing. I'll have my eyes glued to the TV see if Granholm can pull it off in Michigan; it's looking pretty good (though Rocco did make me laugh when he said she reminded him of the blonde lesbian dog owner on Best of Show).


I have discovered that drinking 1% milk instead of skim milk is better for me. Even though it tastes a bit thick to me after drinking nothing but skim milk for years, I get full a lot quicker and thus eat less of my milk-based foods, which basically are just cereal and protein shakes. Still finding little ways to get these last fifteen pounds off... I've been between 187 and 192 for far too long. Skipping workouts for four days in a row certainly doesn't help matters any. What was I doing this weekend that prevented me from doing my workouts? Believe me, you don't want to know...