Monday, Dec. 09, 2002

You take the good, you take the bad. You take them both, and then you have the facts of life., posted at 6:21 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Things that went well today:

1. I thought the hell out of those kids today. Man, I was good. I was way traditional teacher today, leading a class discussion - and there were moments when the discussion crackled with intensity and intelligence.

2. I had the type of workout this morning that was so good that it kept me on a high for hours. It made me believe in a higher power.

3. There are only nine days until Christmas Break.

4. A wonderful reader sent me a copy of last week's sadly missed episode of 24. This random act of kindness is the type of thing to put me in a good mood all night.

5. Two prospective roommates are coming to see the place tonight, and it's actually clean.

Things that didn't go well today:

1. I apparently just left $6 worth of Garden Burgers at the checkout at Safeway, after paying for it and specifically asking the cashier to please put all of my things in one bag. I do not want to leave the house again tonight.

2. There was an icy spot on a side road today that was so icy that I slide right on through the stop sign.

3. Department meeting after school. I'm on the vertical team for reading, and I left the meeting knowing that we got through about 2% of what we set out to do by simply running through a list of literary terms that 9th graders should know.

4. I woke up at 4:30am and I'm tired.

5. I think I'm going to start teaching Fences on Thursday, and I've never read it. I think I saw it about five years ago, so I know the basic plot - but have no idea what I'm going to do with the play.