Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002

Cool english teacher, posted at 1:41 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

One of the disadvantages of being the "cool English teacher" is that kids are here. All the freaking time. During lunch. During planning period. All the time. It's nice and all, since they're doing work or gettig help or in general just being nice. But sometimes I just want to shut the door to my classroom, chill, and listen to music.

That's my not so deep thought of the day.

I'm wearing a new sweater today that feels a lot tighter than it looks. I think it's because my undershirt is tight. I have a gotten a few comments about it today, though. My supervisor complimented me on it and told me it made me look very athletic. My colleague told me I looked ready to go on a ski trip. And then there was the "woo hoooo!" catcall by a former student in the morning that I pretended I didn't hear.

That's my second not so deep thought of the day.