Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005

running, posted at 4:13 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Things with the smart Jewish girl went just fine. She questioned my comments, I told her that what she had written didn't work in an analytic paper and why, and she was fine with it.

Last night, I took a run at 11:15 pm, up and down Walther Avenue. It was a beautiful night, and I'd just gotten back from the gym, and wanted to continue the high for a while. Today, I just went for another run, this time down Southern Avenue and all the way to Moravia Road, then back home. I keep wondering what week I'll finally get back into it. Every Sunday night, I think to myself that this will be it, that this will be the week that I start getting myself back into shape. Then, I languish in inactivity. I go to bed too late and can't get up in the morning, then come home and forego an evening workout because I know I'll just get up in the morning, and then I don't. Well, today I didn't get up in the morning, but went and lifted in the school weigh room during my planning period, then just took a (nearly) two-mile run with the dog. That's two days in a row. I hope I can keep it up. I have actually had some thought of late of running a marathon in order to give myself a better goal to keep myself in better shape. We shall see.

I work at the restaurant tonight, and hope to make three straight shifts of making $100 or more. I figure I need almost $4000 to make it through the summer (my monthly bills are $1741 and then some travel expenses) and if I can continue to knock some of that off here and there, then I'll really decrease my stress.