Wednesday, May. 18, 2005

Center stage, posted at 11:20 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Tomorrow is the first annual faculty vs. student softball game. If we're not winning, it's because we haven't been cheating enough.

I am so tired and don't have a lesson for first period yet. Tonight was our Center Stage season ticket night, and we saw this just-alright play called The Voysey Inheritance. It's wasn't as good as the last few I'd seen there - Permanent Collection, Two Gentlemen of Verona, or Elvira's Kitchen, but still worth it. I still think those tickets were one of my best purchases ever. It gives my friends and I an excuse to have a pre-planned night to head out to the Mt. Vernon area, eat at a nice restaurant (tonight, it was Copra, where a friend bartends), and slow down for a bit. I haven't even been going out on weekend nights lately, so it's nice to head out and do stuff.

Tomorrow, I'll be seeing the latest Star Wars. I'm more excited about seeing it with fellow bloggers (he graciously organized it) at the historic Senator Theater than the actual movie, which I'm just hoping is better tahn the last two. I've heard this one is significantly better than those, so here's hoping. Part of my snide independent film loving self is grimacing that I'll be seeing this film rather than Crash, but the other part of me remembers the excitement of seeing the first ever showing of Episode I in Lansing back when that came out and I was in college. There's a buzz about seeing a movie like this early that I'm hoping I feel. It'll also only be my second time at the Senator. Last time I was there, a student of mine was working the ticket booth and I got in for free. This time, I'd settle for a free pop; I assume security will be tight at the gates.

Exhausted. Act 5 lesson plan, here we come.