Sunday, May. 08, 2005

Another lazy list, posted at 9:53 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Things that happened today:

1. I forgot my parents' anniversary and they made me feel guilty.

2. I waited tables from 9:30 until 7:30 and made just over $100. Waiting tables on Mother's Day sucks.

3. I didn't get a card to my mother or my grandmother in time.

4. I guess this is the year that I consider my Alzheimer's-riddled grandmother (the paternal one) no longer really there, since I didn't even think to get her a card and don't even know if she really has an address other than "Memory Lane, Presbyterian Village." (Yes, they actually call the Alheimer's Ward "Memory Lane.") She used to be a force of nature, that woman. We used to ask her to swear at us in German and she would, and we would be overcome with giggles.

5. I had my first ever Quizno's sub today. Those things are unbelievably good.

6. I just spent a half hour writing thank you cards to colleagues for helping Friday's 9th grade field trip to be a success.

7. I have a paper cut on my upper lip from licking one of the envelopes.

8. My new vegetable garden and four little flowers I spent all day planting on Saturday looked a whole lot better yesterday than they do today. I think I have to spruce it up.

9. No vestiges of stomach flu appear anymore.