Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2005

cold, posted at 6:29 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

God damn, this weather sucks. The temperature has plummetted 50 degrees in just a day, and baseball practice today consisted of weight room and running the stairs. A big disappointment after the great practice yesterday, when I kept all the kids out there until darkness forced us to stop.

I have almost certainly decided to keep a brigade of freshmen instead of cutting them. I'll blackshirt them for the year and give them all jobs for the games, and we'll go from there. I'll still cut a few kids, but I'll try the 27 thing again. Maybe that will be my calling card as a coach - the soft-hearted guy who cannot cut kids so he carries a way-too-big team. I also want to win, though, and as I look out amongst all my team as a whole, I see Ben, who was the 23rd kid on the roster his freshman year, or Marcus, who was the 24th kid on the roster his freshman year. Some of them blossom. it will be good for the program in the long run to keep these kids.

I haven't spoken of my weekend yet. It was unbelievable. I worked a triple - Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday night. I made my heating bill for the month during that time, so I was happy about that. I also don't work at all this weekend, so I was trying to make up for that.

Sunday presented an interesting shift, especially the second one. I had a two-hour break in between the morning shift and the afternoon shift, and coworkers invited me out to the bar. I had seven drinks in those two hours - 4 beers and 3 shots. They just kept buying them for me and buying them for me. Stumbling the way back to the restaurant from Bertha's Mussels, the Polish girl almost convinced me to do another shot with her. They were just all trying to get me drunk. Luckily, I was working at the bar and not waiting tables, and working at the bar at my place of employment means a lot of reading of To Kill a Mockingbird and walking back and forth between the dining room and the kitchen. Needless to say, the second shift was an entertaining one, as I got myself buzzed up on caffeine as soon as I returned. That is, until the inevitable crash at around 9pm, when all I could think about was home.

It's so cold in my house right now that it's difficult to type. I bid you adieau.