Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2005

sicker than a dog, posted at 11:46 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Fever this morning: 102.7

Fever at the doctor's office: 102.2

Minutes stayed at school: 60 (Thank goodness for the student teacher, who was able to proctor my midterms. We can't get subs for our midterm days, having to rely on colleagues not proctoring to cover absences. That's not something I wanted to do, so I'm glad the student teacher could do it.)

Days I'm going to take off: At least two, maybe all four.

Feeling: shitty, shitty, shitty. Every part of me hurts, from my hair to my feet. It pains me to be awake. I feel a little better since the fever went down after downing three tylenols at the doctor's office, but still feel like I want to die.

And, after a blood test and a horrible flu test (q-tip up the nose), it's confirmed: I have influenza. The flu, the real deal. Hopefully the drugs will kick in since I beat the 48-hour mark and I'll feel better soon. As for now, I'm going to pass out.